Boiling is certainly the oldest solution used by hikers to purify water!
Boiling isn’t effective on dirty (turbid) water, so you must first filter the water or collect clear water.
The boiling point varies with altitude. For example, at sea level, it’s 100°C, while 2000m up, it’s 93°C. A quick general knowledge moment - at the summit of Everest, the boiling point is 72°C.
How long should you boil your drink for? Again, this depends on your altitude. 1 minute is enough when the water boils at 100°, but several minutes are required as you gain altitude.
The biggest advantage of this technique? Its efficiency! In fact, boiling eliminates all kinds of organic pollution.
This technique still presents certain constraints, such as boiling time, the equipment required (need for fuel), and waiting time before your water cools. Note that this technique isn’t effective on chemical pollutants.