Plan your route.
One of the first things before setting off on the road is of course to plan your route.It can be more or less precise, but you must map out the outline and above all do as you wish.
If you don't have a lot of time, organising each step of the route is a good idea. And it's exactly the opposite for those who have more time, you can leave room for the unexpected. It's often when you're not expecting it that you create your fondest memories.
Good old paper maps are for us the best tool so that you can visualize all of your route at the same time. In addition, most reference scenic routes and points of interest. This can be very handy and you're sure not to miss a thing and you'll take the most beautiful routes. Avoid the motorways which often do not offer exceptional panoramas and take advantage of the small roads more suitable to adventure and encounters.
Once you have marked your points of interest on the map and found the "tourist" routes, your route should map itself out. You can then count the number of kilometers to be covered and plan your fuel budget.
The weather can also change things so it may be a good idea to prepare a Plan B if you are not sure that the weather will be good throughout your road trip. Even if a short tea or coffee break in the shelter of your little house on wheels is always appreciated. .