Have you finished your training and feel ready to head off alone for one or more days ? Do your first big solo hike in" easy mode". No need to put obstacles in your way! Plan your hike in the summer, when the weather is still mild. Of course, the weather can change, especially in the mountains. So, be prepared to face rain or even a storm (and even turn back if the weather gets too bad). But stack all the cards in your favour by avoiding setting off when a storm is forecast in advance, etc.
Before heading out on a trip to the other side of the world, first try a hike in France, or even near where you live. This means you can rest assured you’re in a country where you know the language, trail markings, health system, emergency numbers, etc.
Finally, select a popular route. This means you can meet other hikers during your trip if you ever find yourself in need.
Did you know: How far per day for a solo hike ?
If you’re a beginner, aim for 10 to 15 km per day on easy terrain without too much height gain. This will help make sure you don’t tire yourself out too much. Indeed, sometimes, hiking is even more of a mental effort than a physical one. Save your body a little to leave more energy for your head! You can increase this distance gradually, depending on how you feel. If you’re very comfortable, you can plan to walk further next time, with the same amount of height gain. Also take into account the weight of your backpack and level of fatigue that day.