exercising after 60


Sixty is the new 30! Your professional and personal life have changed - and so has your body! Physical activity is good for body and mind. It's also key to staying uplifted and living a healthy life as you enter this next stage of your life.

Have you ever tried to squeeze a coffee in with a recent retiree? They always have a very busy schedule and are always on the move. “We've never been as busy as we are now that we've got the time." You hear things like that all the time from people who retire at 60.Today's sexagenarians are bursting with energy, which is often down to the exercise they get. Yes, exercise.It's never too late to get fit ;)) I explain why it's just as important as always, if not more so, to exercise after the age of 60.

What is ageing? 

It doesn't mean wearing a velvet jacket with dandruff on your shoulders, watching the news at lunchtime and saying over and over again that "things were better in my day". No, that's just a stereotype.In all seriousness, though, ageing means that cells that have lived and worked well during your life are gradually starting to take a rest. It's your senses that feel it first.First there's presbyopia (long sightedness) to a greater or lesser extent depending on the individual, and then presbycusis (age-related hearing loss), which will come and tickle your ears. These declines (I tried to find a softer word, but couldn't) are linked to the ageing of the connections in the nervous system and also involve a slowdown in motor skills and memory loss.

What happens physically? Between the ages of 30 and 70, muscles lose half their weight and bone density decreases, leading to a loss of strength and balance and weaker joints. Similarly, the ribcage loses its elasticity, leading to a reduction in respiratory capacity.But let's put things into perspective: ageing is the same for everyone, and having an awareness of how your body changes, makes it easier to understand why sport helps us to age better.

The effects of sport on ageing

The good news is that physical activity delays cell ageing, which is why sportspeople often look younger than their age ;). Generally speaking, sport stimulates the brain and coordination, promotes balance and helps to combat memory loss and cardiovascular diseases. Getting old is always better when you're in good health.


exercising after 60

The benefits of physical activity for senior citizens

The benefits of cardio training for senior citizens

Protect and strengthen your heart with endurance activities. Long, low-intensity activity combats high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases such as cholesterol and diabetes.

exercising after 60

The benefits of weight training for senior citizens

Protect your joints. Increasing the strength of the muscles around your joints helps reduce the impact of the movements you make on your skeleton.Movement is the only cure for the pain caused by osteoarthritis.

exercising after 60

The benefits of stretching for senior citizens

Protect your joints. Stretching promotes the production of the synovial fluid that joints need to move. Here's what physio Benjamin Vallé has to say: "Stretching helps to return muscles to their original length, thereby restoring the natural physiology of the knees, ankles and hips and improving cartilage quality."

Recent studies conducted in the USA show that two to five hours of physical exercise a week limits the production of the enzyme responsible for senile dementia and certain cancers.

Time to get your tracksuit and trainers on!

Is there a risk to getting into sport after 60?

Dr Boudjemaa, a sports physician, gave me his recommendations.There's no risk involved in taking up sport at 60 if the activity in question is adapted to a person of that age, if it's done gradually and the body is given enough time to recover, through rest, diet, hydration and sleep. "The body is like a car: you need to service it regularly, keeping an eye on the engine (the heart), the body (the skeleton and musculature) and the timing belt (the joints)."Preventative healthcare can detect problems at an early stage and limit their consequences. According to Dr Boudjemaa, the best way to do sport is to keep going once you've started and to adapt your physical activity to your age. When getting back into sport or taking it up again, it's advisable to have a full check-up first:

- A resting electrocardiogram (ECG), depending on individual risk factors, every two to three years.

- A cardiac stress test if the activity you plan to return to is intensive

- A blood test

Dr Boudjemaa also stresses the importance of psychological and mental health “You're as old as you feel.Every time of life is extraordinary.Days shouldn't just be 'good', they should be 'wonderful'!"

Which sport is best for working your heart after 60?

Fitness walking

Fitness walking, also called power walking or speed walking, is a sport where you walk faster than you would do normally. It's an activity in which you work on your breathing and stamina and engage nearly every muscle in your body. 

Water aerobics

Water aerobics enhances muscle tone and breathing, improves blood circulation and works the cardiovascular system. For the best results, I recommend you do two sessions a week.


Nothing gives you a lift like hitting the great outdoors.Hiking is a perfect activity for senior citizens, as long as you're on the right terrain. Hiking has a lot of things going for it. Not only does it reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, it also works all the body's muscles gently and reduces pain associated with osteoporosis.


A bike ride is a great way to clear your head and look after your body and heart. It's a sport where your bodyweight is carried by the bicycle and the impact on your joints is reduced. Choose routes that you want to ride and are able to ride.

Exercising after 60: the benefits, the risks and our tips

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exercising after 60

Which sport is best for working your body after 60?


Pilates is a gentle exercise technique that strengthens the muscles in an intense way.An activity open to everyone, it tones the muscles in the stomach and back, improving both posture and balance.Thanks to its core and stretching exercises, it reminds you of muscles you'd forgotten you had.

exercising after 60

Which sport is best for developing your flexibility after 60?


Yoga is a discipline for body and mind. There are many forms of it and it offers something for everyone.With its different postures and breathing and meditation practices, it's an ideal activity for senior citizens. Doing yoga regularly helps the body become more flexible and mobile and combats sedentary lifestyles, which are the leading cause of loneliness.

Which sport is best for developing your coordination and balance after 60?

In reality, all sports help when it comes to developing coordination and balance.However, there's one energetic form of exercise I want to focus on in particular: Tai chi chuan. As well as toning the body and making it more flexible, Tai chi chuan develops coordination by linking slow, fluid, focused and controlled movements together. This mind-body discipline boosts memory and cognitive capacity.It also helps declutter your mind and reduce stress.

Sports you never thought you could do after the age of 60

Looking for a new sport? Well, there's no age at which you can't start.Just look for an association, school or group that has a senior or veterans section so you can find your level.

Karate for senior citizens

Karate-health exercises boost concentration and the development of cognitive skills, alleviating the memory and coordination problems that come with ageing.

Archery for senior citizens

Archery requires precision, control, concentration, physical skill and determination.Archery is an all-round sport that is open to everyone and helps develop strength, coordination, patience and self-confidence. And it might surprise you to learn that archers do plenty of walking as well, because they have to pick their arrows up.

Latin dance for seniors

From salsa to rumba and cha cha cha to bachata, dance in general is good for your balance, coordination, breathing and memory.What's so good about Latin dance is that it moves every joint in the body, especially the pelvis, an area that needs to stay flexible because it helps reduce back pain. Dancing in pairs also helps reduce stress and builds friendships.

How frequently and intensely should you exercise after 60?

Dr Boudjemaa recommends you do it every two days. "Ideally, you should be able to include at least three activities a week in your exercise programme: a cardio workout, a muscle-strengthening session and some stretching, all combined with a little rest or some meditation. Sessions should last around 50 minutes. On top of this, you should be doing 10,000 steps a day, as recommended by the WHO.Thirty minutes of activity a day is fine, but 90 minutes to two hours is better if you want to feel the real benefits of physical activity."

It's up to you to decide how intense you want that activity to be. There's no need to suffer. It's all a question of having fun.When you're exercising after 60, it's important to get proper support from sports experts such as coaches or adapted activities instructors.You have to listen to yourself and take care, but without allowing little aches and pains to stop you from exercising, because then you get into a vicious circle:the less you move, the harder it is to move.

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Want to train with a coach? With the free DECATHLON COACH mobile app, you can get coaching and track your activity. Check out the details of your workouts and be proud of your progress!

exercising after 60

Sport and seniors article

Seniors who participate in regular physical activity, or sport, age better and more slowly.

The aim isn't to be climbing Kilimanjaro or running three marathons a year, but to strike a balance between the right intensity and your abilities.

There are a lot of sports that fit the bill. Which sport should you choose?


It's never too late to start doing something that will do you good, and if you still have doubts about taking the plunge, then talk to your GP.


Céciliane, tip writer

A personal trainer who loves artistic activities. Always ready to support and watch major sporting events!

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