
Color your hike : our printable coloring for kids !

Colouring pages to print. So that little hikers can keep their mountain friends within reach until the next hike!

When the image opens in a new window you can place your mouse over it and click right to select the option "save image as". So you will have it on your computer to print it as much as you want!

To protect the environment, think about printing on both sides or recycling scrap colouring pages or using cheat sheets ;)

Little friends from the mountains keep you warm too ...

Be ready to go by following our hiking advice ...

Hiking with children - teaser

Hiking with young children

Take the time to look carefully at the map and its contours or carry out a reconnaissance of the route.Take the opportunity to check out the orientation and try to choose shady trails in summer - the whole family can keep cool and it will be more pleasant when you take a break.

activities to occupy children on hikes, walks


Have you heard of Geocaching? Do you know how to build a shack? Discover 8 activities to get your kids into hiking. If you decide to go hiking with your pre-teens, plan some fun, motivating activities to avoid seeing them drag their feet after just five minutes. It's also an opportunity for you to revisit your childhood and spend some special moments with them...

6 easy hiking recipes to do with your children - teaser

6 easy hiking recipes to make with your children before you leave!

To motivate your children to go hiking, there's nothing like getting them involved in preparing a fun and tasty snack or meal. In addition to the fun your child will have scraping the dish, this activity will allow you to spend time with your family before and during your hike.

What to take in your hiking backpack with a pre-teen - title


Choosing your child's backpack is essential. The ultimate aim: to have the lightest backpack possible without forgetting anything!