7 autumnal activities to do with children

7 Autumnal activities to do with children

We've got 7 ideas for autumnal activities for you to do with children.
Something to inspire and enchant your next outings with your little tribe.

New season, new look.
Off we go! 
Put on your rain jacket, your hiking boots, and let's head off for the orange forest: trees with breathtaking colours, chestnuts, conkers and mushrooms!
Oh yes, because the great news for us and your little minis is that: autumn equals forest! 
There's no way you're gonna stay indoors!

Get parents outdoors! 
get parents outdoors!
nature is waiting for you!

We can see you coming.when walking in the forest, or just simply walking for that matter, after three minutes, the little ones already want to be carried by their parents while the older ones ... leave as soon as possible. 

So, what to do?
A little tip: invite one of your child's friends to ensure a truly unforgettable day.

7 autumnal activities to do with children

What can you do with children outdoors?

Kinda true, why go out?
It's raining outdoors, you'd be so much better just staying in cuddled up in a blanket?
Laziness is in the air… no doubt, but it would be such a pity to deprive yourself of the benefits of nature in all seasons.
And also, you didn't have kids to lock them up indoors. Yeah ok, you already know all that.
Come on, let yourself go and join them on their whirlwind life!
Children love to play, create, manipulate, discover through experiences.
That's perfect, nature offers masses of experiences!

In nature, children are spontaneously observant and curious.
"Why do plants grow on trees?”
“What's that?”
They like to watch, observe and always seek to understand, it is essential to help them grow serenely and protect them.
But in nature, you're not there just to observe (even if it is very nice)...
No, no ... You climb on tree trunks, you climb rocks, you build huts, sandcastles… in short, you also learn to put your body and your skills to the test!
You play, you get active, it's really cool!
And the icing on the cake, you offer yourselves a priceless gift: a timeless moment.

Oh yes!In nature, the rhythm changes. 
Have you noticed that too?
The wind in the trees, the song of birds in the distance, everything takes on a whole new dimension. 
Kinda like, all of a sudden, something magical happening… 
This “thing” is just that you find YOUR rhythm. 
The one that suits you, but also your little tribe.
It's not a scoop, when you go into nature, whether for a walk, to harvest, to plant a tree, time is no longer your concern; now is the perfect time to let go of the frenzy of everyday life.
You will regain a little serenity? Laugh at your kids as a bonus.

It's very cute this story of going out, the magic of nature… 
But when the youngest wants to be carried, the older one is moaning and groaning, what can you do?

No reason to panic! 
We've found 7 autumnal activity ideas to do with children.
Something to inspire and enchant your next outings with your little tribe.

7 autumnal activities to do with children
7 autumnal activities to do with children

1. A treasure hunt, version “naturbingo”

To reunite the whole family and keep everyone happy, nothing better than a treasure hunt.
In a previous article, we suggested finding little treasures with GEOCACHING.
It's always a lot of fun, and even as an adult, it's easy to go along with the adventure.
We could also imagine a “sensory” treasure hunt: bird songs, a breeze on your cheek…
Poetic and magic.
The same kind of idea as a treasure hunt, and, just as much fun, there is the NATURBINGO.

What's that? 
The idea is to draw "magic objects" on egg boxes to collect: oak leaf, acorn, conker, white pebble, twig…
Something to give your toddlers a goal during their walk, which is already a good point. 
But it gets even funnier:the one that finds all the objects first wins! 

7 autumnal activities to do with children

2. Gathering

Let's stay with the idea of picking-up. 
Think of taking a basket, a tote, or any other practical container to carry the findings of the day: 
Pine needles, chestnuts, pieces of wood, coloured leaves ...
Anything you want!
And then you can have some creative workshops once you get home! Compositions from leaves and other twigs, from pebbles like the talented Hungarian Erzsébet Szilajka; making pot pourris and other great autumnal decorations. 
Now is the time to review your interior decoration and make it more welcoming.

As an added bonus, creative projects help with emotional expression. 
It's perfect!

On the other hand, if you go to the picking mushrooms, remember to do some research beforehand! 
A different basket for each variety picked up is required, and finally a quick trip to the chemist to make sure your loot is not toxic. 
Then, it's up to you to make those little autumn dishes!

7 autumnal activities to do with children

3. Tom thumb

Going in search of treasures is very exhilarating, and there is another activity that is just as much fun:prepare a treasure hunt for other walkers!
After picking up stones, pebbles, branches or leaves, you just have to decorate them to make pretty treasures. 
Once these creations are completed, you can sow them, like Tom Thumb, on your next walk. 
Then go back a week later to see if your treasures have been picked up.

A little more poetry?
It is also possible to write a positive word on the back of your pebbles to make the person who finds them smile… 
And why not write the whole alphabet with good vibes, to guide the future walker in the right direction?

Ok, let's go:

7 autumnal activities to do with children

4. Creative land art

LAND ART, but what's that?
It is about creating a work of art in a natural environment (forests, fields ...) with objects from this same environment (branches, leaves, pebbles…).
What is really cool is when the whole family gets involved in the collaborative production of this work of art.
We start by picking up a multitude of objects that nature offers us and then we think about what we want to do with them.
A giant mandala?
This is a recurring motif in Land Art.
Vegetal weaving?
Leaf skewers?
"And how about making a rainbow?", “Or a shooting star?”
Children will love imagining their work of art.
Let them inspire you…
Then you will have to find the right place to build this work of art.

Beyond creativity, this activity brings nice notions to your kids: giving and "letting go", because once realized, your creation no longer belongs to you.
It remains in its environment, ready to transform and disappear with the weather conditions or other.

What will become of it?
What will other walkers think of it when they see it?
Enough to keep your children's imaginations alive…

7 autumnal activities to do with children

5. Strike a pose

A pile of leaves? 
Perfect for creating a living tableau. 
Go go go! 
Put the leaves together to create an umbrella on the ground, a balloon, a truck ... sit next to it, lie on the ground, strike a pose and CLICK. It's in the can. 
You can even imagine taking several photographs in a row to create a funny little scenario like a stop motion. You're the director today!

7 autumnal activities to do with children

6. The enchanted world

This time, you are interested in a small fantasy world.
While it is quite possible to build a cabin up to the height of your children, we can also imagine building a house for a forest elf, a fairy, or any other magical creature!!
You can make a boat, or a whole decor to have fun with dinosaur figurines, toy construction machines…
In short, if sandcastles are popular with your toddlers, this is an activity that will really amuse them too.
Bark, moss, small branches… 
Let your imagination run wild !

7 autumnal activities to do with children

7. The recreational pathway

Back to basics! 
Hide and seek, obstacle course… 
Oh yes! 
What is so great about nature? 
Roots to step over, rocks to climb, trees to climb!
Each micro-obstacle offered by your walk is a source of extraordinary adventure for your children. 
While they do not have the same physical endurance as us, they do have a vivid imagination… And that can really make a difference.
So, encourage them!Participate in the development of this super adventurer's pathway!
Let them walk on that fallen tree trunk, climb on another one. Just make sure your child doesn't take unnecessary risks and damage the tree in question.  
This activity will strengthen their confidence, agility and balance… 
A real challenge that will give your minis a sense of accomplishment of which they will be proud.

Now, it's your turn!

7 autumnal activities to do with children

Find other ideas of activities to do with children

activities to occupy children on hikes, walks


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